Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Lewis, Jude


Grief, Jewelry, Metalworking, Sculpture

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


The relationship between mere objects, richly aesthetic objects, and the emotional structure ofexperience is considered in three parts. The first part attempts to develop the relationship between object-ness and art-ness from the intellectual tradition of ordinary language philosophy. The first part ends with the death of my wife. The second part provides a view of the emotional structure of grief-experienced in the form of a poem. The third part attempts to reconcile the lost and the kept, as intellectual and emotional structures are re-aligned. The thesis therefore attempts to both show and tell the origin and nature of the material works I developed over the past six years.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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