Date of Award
May 2020
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Ann Clarke
Body, Dance, Fiber, Installation, Sculpture, Textiles
Subject Categories
Arts and Humanities
My legs, fingers and arms activate and build my working material. The sculptures and installations I create are the result of the repetitive actions I engage to make. My work is both a result and symbol of my body’s motion. My dedication to material exploration and the processes I develop and discover through this sustained work allows me to see, describe, and affect my surroundings. Placing, stuffing, wrapping and covering are all potential applications of my material of choice, used bed sheets. I recognize the direct result of the involvement of my body in motion. I construct work that is marked quite literally with my own physical activity.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Shulman, Kaitlin Elizabeth, "In Service Of My Body in Motion: Material Exploration and the Inevitable Vocabulary of Sustained Making" (2020). Theses - ALL. 406.