Date of Award

May 2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Juan Juarez


Assemblage, Collage, Cyanotype, Fine Arts, Photogram, Photography

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities


The primary objective of this thesis paper is to articulate the concepts, context, methodology, and materials within my artistic practice. As a document this paper offers an overview of my past work as it progressed through to the work as developed for my thesis exhibition. My artistic practice has its roots in themes relating to the phenomenological aspects of photography, specifically emphasizing the psychological experience of light and shadows within visual perception.

While the foundation of my work is rooted in traditional lens-based photography, my materials and processes of producing work have expanded to incorporate camera-less alternative processes such as the cyanotype and photogram along with painting, collage, and various other print-based techniques. Once printed, images are cut and then assembled into various forms of installation-based work. Visual patterns extracted through the printing of imagery and through the physical process of piecing images together are various ways in which I present my interpretation and expression of ideas.


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