Date of Award

June 2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Music Histories


Joanna Spitzner

Second Advisor

Sam Van Aken


Absurd, Absurdism, Art, Contemporary Art, Performance, Sculpture


By employing absurd acts, I confront contemporary conceptions of ideals and reality. My work focuses on the human misunderstanding of where the threshold lies between the world-as-we-know-it and the world-as-it-is to foster an affect of anxious serenity, a comfort in discomfort, and ultimately bask in the void of the unknown. By exploring the facets of the absurd and act/action, it is possible to break down my studio practice and approaches to contemporary art. My goal is not to necessarily to push culture forward, but to take it to the side and dismantle it, interrogating how we interact with it and how it operates through us. I am not offering any specific answers, just a consideration for an empathetic and critical path towards a future worth living in.


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