Date of Award

August 2017

Degree Type





Donald W. Carr


Connect to Services, Mobile Service, Older Homelessness

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities


The purpose of this project is to explore the services needed by elders

who first became homeless in later life. The U.S. Census Bureau projects

the elderly homeless population will increase by 33 percent by 2020.

Compared with younger counterparts, older homeless people are more

isolated and refuse to use traditional services. Findings from surveys,

observations and interviews suggest mobile outreach is an efficient

strategy to reach out to homeless people. For my design, I focused on

creating a mobile service system to help later life older homeless persons

to connect to the housing and services and then assisting them back

to life. A public bus service system I designed called "Sunshine” provides

service connections to later life older homeless people. Even if some of

them refuse to use regular services, "Sunshine" will help them to live

better lives on the street.


Open Access



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