Date of Award

January 2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Tanya Eckert

Second Advisor

Leonard Newman


Elementary students, Performance feedback, Writing fluency, Writing self-efficacy

Subject Categories

Social and Behavioral Sciences


National assessments have shown that a significant number of students are writing at a level below proficiency (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012; Persky, Daane, & Jin, 2003). The primary purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the role of writing self-efficacy in relation to elementary-aged students’ writing fluency outcomes when they are receiving a performance feedback intervention. The study used secondary data collected from two larger studies, resulting in a final sample of 138 third-grade students from two cohorts. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine whether students’ writing self-efficacy would predict their writing fluency outcomes in response to a performance feedback intervention. Results indicated that students’ writing self-efficacy was not a statistically significant predictor of writing fluency when students’ pre-intervention spelling and compositional skills were controlled for.


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