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Publication Date
Fall 2016
Archaeological Anthropology | Social and Cultural Anthropology
Circular or Half-Moon Marks on Old Beads, by Alison Kyra Carter. • Two Unusual Drawn-Glass Bead Varieties from Quebec, by Karlis Karklins, Érik Langevin, and Adelphine Bonneau. • The Earliest European Bead in North America, by Karlis Karklins. • An Introduction to the Beijing Bead Museum and Library, by Walker Chin. • Mystery Bead from the Historic Jamestown Settlement, by Karlis Karklins and Merry Outlaw.
Recommended Citation
Society of Bead Researchers, "Issue 69, Autumn 2016" (2016). The Bead Forum: Newsletter of the Society of Bead Researchers. 3.