Processing private lives in public: An institutional ethnography of front-line welfare intake staff post welfare reform, Frank Michael Ridzi
Cracks in the system: How discourse, dominance and whiteness shape maternal drug health policy, Kristina Beth Wolff
Discovering the magic: Readings, interpretations and analyses of the wonderful worlds of Disney, Carrie Lynn Cokely
The social organization of policy: An institutional ethnography of the United Nations Intergovernmental Forum on Forests, Lauren Elaine Eastwood
Crediting care, citizenship or marriage? Gender, race, class, and Social Security reform, Pamela Herd
Filipino village in Korea, Minwon Lee
Social dynamics of orphan care in the era of the HIV/AIDS pandemic: An insight of grandmothers' experiences in Zimbabwe, Neddy Rita Matshalaga
Risky women: The everyday life of an allergic woman, Sarah Marie Pitcher
In sickness and in health: Elderly men who care for wives with dementia, Richard Lloyd Russell
In the wake of Columbine: How youth make meaning of violence, schooling and the media, Linda M. Waldron
Evie Evans's life history: Her sociological sojourn from a lifetime of crime to a life of dignity, Henia D. Johnson
The potential to privately pay for long-term care services, Deborah D. Dougherty
To tell or not to tell: Social factors that shape the telling experiences of survivors of child sexual abuse, Karen Virginia Fox
"Conversions" of conviction: A study on the process of becoming a Reform Jew, Jessica B. Greenebaum
Living with the messiness: Experiences of ordained women in the Episcopal priesthood, Amy Alina Holzgang
Confronting Japanese selves: A case study of Japanese expatriate wives in Fort Lee, New Jersey, Miho Kawai
Advertising power: Hegemonic masculinity in fraternity rush advertisements, Ian Lapp
In the child's best interest? Meaning and practices for parents and legal professionals in child custody conflicts, Elizabeth A. Callaghan
An illusion of difference: Reconstituting women on welfare into the working poor, Brenda M. Solomon
Schooling and the production of popular culture: Negotiating subjectivities at the high school prom, Amy Louise Best
Reconstructing identities: The utility of adolescent pregnancy. The stories of poor African-American adolescent pregnant women in western city, Martha Morse Rawlings
Fly girl in the buttermilk: The graduate experiences at a predominantly White institution of Black women who attended various undergraduate environments, Renee Ericka Spraggins
Rights and respect: A study of the competing concerns of Alliance Quebec and the Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montreal, Marie Catherine Agen
Electoral opposition in the British National Union of Mineworkers: The effects of local union organization, Donald J. Pratt
Voices from the margins: The construction of racial and ethnic identity for Cape Verdean-Americans, Lelia Lomba De Andrade
Supporting the Employment of Mothers: Policy Variation Across Fourteen Welfare States, Janet C. Gornick, Marcia K. Meyers, and Katherin E. Ross
Motivational dynamics of student movement participation in contemporary South Korea, Byeong-chul Park
On the margin between "high" culture and "ordinary" everyday life: Social organization of the amateur orchestra and its musicians, Jeong Hwa Park
Struggling for knowledge: Students, coordinated studies, and collaborative learning, Patricia Ellen Russo
The sociology of Auguste Rodin, Anne Norinne Bates
'Ideology', 'meaning', and 'myth': Marx, Weber, and Durkheim on the three dimensions of sacred symbolism and their uses in society, Jacek Ganowicz
The late Victorian era and the flowering of four literary types: A study in the sociology of literature, Sarah Ann Coleman
Jewish Identity: Subjective Declarations Or Objective Life Styles, Bruce Lawrence Berg
The Onondaga Iroquois: 1500 - 1655, a study in acculturative change and its consequences, James Wesley Bradley
Prostitution and changing social norms in america, Carol A. Leonard
The Anti-Abortion Movement: Testing a Theory of the Rise and Fall of Social Movements, Peter James Leahy
The American Birth Control Movement: a Study in Collective Behavior with Especial Reference to N. Smelser's Model of Norm-oriented Movements, Henrietta Lorraine Bartleson
Family Planning And The Urban Poor: A Study Of A Social Action Experiment, George Edward Bodine
American Museums, 1932-1965: A Test Case for the Comparative Analysis of Organizations, Kieth Roberts Johnson
Neighboring In Public Housing Projects: A Study Of The Relationship Between Status Homophily And Propinquity, Laurence Thelbert Cagle
Correctional Institutions for Women in the United States, Katherine Gabel Strickland