Role of light scalar resonances in strongly interacting chiral effective Lagrangians, Abdou M. Abdel-Rehim
Search for eta(b) in the CLEO-II Upsilon(3S) and Upsilon(2S) data, Konstantin Vladimirovich Bukin
Supersymmetric theories on the lattice, Sergey Alexandrovich Karamov
Neutrinos in particle physics and cosmology, Salah Nasri
A measurement of parity-violating asymmetry with polarized electrons scattered from protons and implications for strange form factors, Baris Tamer Tonguc
First observation of the parity violating asymmetry in Moller scattering, Imran Younus
Interface modulation spectroscopy and doping physics in amorphous silicon, Kai Zhu
Lepton energy moments, operator product expansion and the CKM parameter matrix element, V(cb), Chaouki Boulahouache
Statistical mechanics of self-avoiding crystalline membranes and topological defect formation, Angelo Cacciuto
Thermal noise in low loss flexures, Andri Marcus Gretarsson
Optical switching and memory using tungsten oxide, Joseph Michael Osman
Fuzzy physics, Ydri Ben Saad Badis
Exploration of the existence and implications of a light scalar meson nonet using effective chiral Lagrangian models, Deirdre Margaret Black
Numerical studies of vortex dynamics in type-II superconductors, Michael Chance Faleski
Critical behavior of spin models on fluctuating bounded geometries, Scott V. McGuire
Dynamics of causal sets, David Porter Rideout
Topics on vortex matter in type-II superconductors, Panayotis Benetatos
A measurement of the strange quark content of the proton, William Edward Kahl
Measurement of the production ratio of charged and neutral B mesons at the upsilon(4S) resonance, Silvia M. Schuh
Internal friction of fused silica and gravitational-wave detection, William James Startin
Monte Carlo studies of field theory and quantum gravity, Eric B. Gregory
Application of combinatorial optimization algorithms in the study of elastic interfaces, David McNamara
Transport in disordered silicon materials, Rao Prasanna Nagaraj
Search for cellular retinol and retinal binding proteins in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Kaixuan Wang
The analogy between QED(2) and QCD(4), David Henry Delphenich
Electroabsorption studies on amorphous and microcrystalline silicon, Lin Jiang
Dynamical breaking of string model in 1 + 1 dimension, Thamer Abdulmohsen Al-Aithan
Studies in random surfaces, Falcioni Falcioni
Laboratory synthesis of molecular hydrogen on surfaces of interstellar dust grain analogues, Chi Liu
Aspects of boundary states in gauge field theories, Arshad Momen
Effective Lagrangian Models for gauge theories of fundamental interactions, Francesco Sannino
An analysis of the theta sectors of quantum gravity, Sumati, Surya,
The precision measurement of the neutron spin structure function using polarized helium-3 target, Xuejun Wang
Search for electroweak penguin decay bottom quark to s quark lepton+ lepton-, Xing Xia
Application of multi-dimensional NMR in the study of DNA structure and dynamics, Jiqun, Yu
Characterization of lead zirconate titanate thin films by atomic force microscopy, Genaro, Ph Zavala-Enriquez
Nonequilibrium dynamics of driven elastic manifolds in random media, Lee-Wen Chen
Random interactions with disk galaxies, David J. Edelsohn
Test mass suspension Q measurement and excess loss diagnosis for gravitational wave interferometers, Yinglei Huang
Analyzing Regge calculus as a tool in numerical relativity, Mark Allen Miller
Attenuation correction in SPECT using emission data, Thomas Michael Young
The development, characterization and applications of polymeric films containing bacteriorhodopsin, Richard Brian Gross
Measurement of the neutron spin structure function and its implications for QCD sum rules, Jianguo Xu
Quantization of Chern-Simons theories on manifolds with boundaries, Giuseppe Roberto Bimonte
The recovery of locality for causal sets and related topics, Alan Ronald Daughton
Correlation of electronic structure and ferromagnetism at rare earth metal surfaces, Dongqi Li
Accessible passively stored highly spin-polarized deuterium in solid hydrogen deuterium, with application to inertially confined fusion, Neil Brooks Alexander
Chern-Simons term: Theory and applications, Kumar S. Gupta
Novel methods for fabricating magnetic thin films and heterostructures, Yoon-Gi Kim
Exotic statistics, Charilaos Nikolaos Aneziris
Aspects of the antisymmetric tensor field, Amitabha Lahiri
Carbon monoxide adsorption and oxidation on ultrathin copper covered epitaxial palladium(111) surfaces, Baybers Oral
Space-time as a causal set, Luca Bombelli
Adsorption Studies of Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide on Oriented Platinum and Epitaxial Palladium Films, Pankaj Dixit
Quantum Aspects of Topological Solitons, Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers
Monopoles And Solitons In Particle Physics, Velayudhan Parameswaran Nair
Anomalous hall effect and oscillatory photoconductivity in p-type mercury cadmium-telluride, Kevin James Riley
Selected Topics In High-Energy Particle Physics, Cassio Sigaud Filho
Problems In Null-Plane Quantum Electrodynamics, James Harold Ten Eyck Jr.
Quantum Electrodynamics In A Laser Pulse, Robert Andrew Neville
Representations of Some Non-Compact Groups and Applications of Non Invariance Groups to Particle Physics, Jacob George Kuriyan
Dynamical Models and Symmetry Groups in Particle Physics, Renato Musto
Search For Delayed Neutrons From Nuclear Interactions Due To Cosmic Rays, Irving Nadelhaft