Hume's account of causation, Sun Demirli
Between substance and mode: The ontology of ideas among the Early Moderns, Marc A. Hight
Deciding not to treat handicapped infants: When is life not worth living?, Barbara Anne Stock
Understanding complex demonstratives: The ground of reference in sensory signals, Frederick P. Zammiello
Intention, teleology, and God, Bradley Gordon Beach
The counting process and category theory: The psychogenesis of the natural numbers, Ali B. Karatay
Why cosmic fine-tuning needs to be explained, Neil Alan Manson
Hedonic value, Stuart Craig Rachels
A different politics of difference: Exploring alternatives in teaching basic writers, Laura Anne Gray-Rosendale
Matter, unity and infinity in early Leibniz, Samuel Stephen Levey
Locke on essence and identity, Christopher Hughes Conn
Intention, interpretation, and truth, Raja Fouad Halwani
Generalized quantifiers and measure theory, Charles William Kurtz
Divine foreknowledge and necessity, In-Kyu Song
A non-physicalist ontology of art objects, David McMillan Woodruff
The joy of torture: Hellenistic and Indian philosophy on the doctrine that the sage is always happy even if tortured, Joseph Waligore
Polarization cancelers and polarization discontinuity detector, Chul Jai (C.J.) Lee
Religious truth-claims and the diversity of religious traditions, Daniel Dale Rieger
An analysis and defense of an ethics of love, Frances Mary Howard-Snyder
Moral conflicts and moral psychology, Alastair James Norcross
Leibniz on causality and time: An essay in reductive metaphysics, Jan Arthur Cover
Illusion and art: An analysis and critique of E. H. Gombrich's "Art and Illusion", James William Mock
The Problem of Matter's Inherent Nature, Glenn Allen Hartz
The Relationship Of Russell And Quine To Contemporary Theorists On Reference, Martin Dako
An interpretation of the moral philosophy of David Hume: How to derive 'ought' from 'is', Bonnie Jean Gray
Existential Conceptions Of Death: Heidegger, Tillich, Rilke, Jenny Lee Yates Hammett
The Problem, Meaning and Function of 'Transcendence' In a Social Ethic with Particular Reference to the Social Ethics of John Dewey and Reinholdniebuhr, Ronald Burton Mayers
Aristotle's 'Poetics' Read As A Reply To The Platonic Indictment Of Poetry, James Francis O'leary
The symbolic imagination of American Puritanism: metaphors for the invisible world, Stanford Jay Jr. Searl
The Eximeno-Martini Polemic, Sylvester John Ionta
The Philosophy of R. G. Collingwood, William Debbins
Faith and Reason in the Thought of St. Augustine, Gordon Russell Lewis