Experimental and Numerical Comparison of Wort Cooling Methods during the Homebrewing Process, Zachary Hammond
Design, Analysis, and Verification of an Open-Wheeled Formula-Style Race Car Suspension System, Joshua Beckerman
Synthesis and characterization of tribologically enhanced hydrogels, Emily Lindberg
Hydrophobic/hydrophilic nanoscale patterns for pool boiling enhancement, Geoffrey Vaartstra
Optimum Path Planning for an Impaired Aircraft, Suzannah Bailey
Redesigning the Walker: A More Durable & Dignified Device, Gianna M. Curcio
Investigation of Boiling Performance of Graphene-coated Surfaces, Daniel C. Stack
Application of ARCHIMEDES in Three Dimensions and to Solid Mechanics, Jonathan Aziz
Application of ARCHIMEDES in Three Dimensions and to Solid Mechanics, Jonathan David Aziz
Primary and Secondary Flow Structures in a Model Cerebral Aneurysm, Morgan A. Nowak
Design and Calibration of a Wind Tunnel Facility for the Study of Active Flow Control on Wind Turbine Blades, Christopher Paul Walter
Evaluation of Quasi-Static Indentation Damage in Aluminum Honeycomb Core - Graphite/Epoxy Sandwich Structures, David Eisenberg
Turbine House: A Net-zero Energy House, Karen E. Hernandez
Development of a New Mixed Mode I-II-III Delamination Toughness Test, Ruben Hortensius
Exploring the Accuracy of Several Grid Clustering Schemes for Computing Forces, Rebecca Rought
Optimization of Zero Net-mass Flow Actuators for Aero-optics Applications, Moira L. DeNatale and Jonathan M. Mihaly
Optimization of Zero Net-mass Flow Actuators for Aero-optics Applications, Moira L. DeNatale and Jonathan M. Mihaly
Modeling Interface Failure in Fiber-Composites, Andrew J. Craig
Design of a Prototype Model Aircraft Utilizing Propulsive Airfoil Technology, Richard L. Pepe