Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2013

Capstone Advisor

Dr. John F. Dannenhoffer III

Honors Reader

Prof. Joan V. Dannenhoffer

Capstone Major

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Capstone College

Engineering and Computer Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Sciences and Engineering

Subject Categories

Aerospace Engineering | Engineering


ARCHIMEDES is a computerized learning system that has helped Syracuse University students overcome the challenges of Engineering Statics since 2009. Its success has motivated application of ARCHIMEDES to three dimensional problems and to problems in Solid Mechanics. Other learning software was investigated before seven Solid Mechanics problems were written for ARCHIMEDES. A 3D graphical interface was developed and evaluated by a field test of student volunteers. Student preferences for various features in 3D learning software were obtained. It is clear from student responses that having a 3D scene to manipulate improves visualization of the problem, mitigating the ambiguity of a textbook problem’s graphic.

Detector.js (1 kB)
dimensionladder.js (5 kB)
dimensionlines.js (9 kB)
dimensionlinesq4.js (9 kB)
geometries.js (2 kB)
geometryq1.js (2 kB)
geometryq2.js (3 kB)
geometryq3.js (2 kB)
geometryq4.js (3 kB)
geometryq5.js (4 kB)
geometryq6.js (4 kB)
geometryq8.js (4 kB)
geometryq9.js (1 kB)
helvetiker_bold.typeface.js (60 kB)
laddervectors.js (4 kB)
OrbitControls.js (5 kB)
Q1.html (5 kB)
Q2.html (5 kB)
Q3.html (5 kB)
Q4.html (6 kB)
Q5.html (5 kB)
Q6.html (3 kB)
Q7.html (3 kB)
Q8.html (3 kB)
Q9.html (3 kB)
three.min.js (370 kB)
vectors.js (3 kB)
vectorsq7.js (2 kB)
viewbuttons.js (4 kB)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



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