Babington's Bibliography of John Addington Symonds: Some Additions and Corrections


Timothy D'Arch Smith

Document Type



Fall 1970


Poets, critics, Symonds




Arts and Humanities


PERCY LANCELOT BABINGTON'S Bibliography of the Victorian poet, critic and historian, John Addington Symonds, was published in an edition of five hundred copies in 1925. The compiler's industry was enhanced by the help of two important men: he had, as he acknowledged in his Preface, "the invaluable help and unstinted encouragement ... [of] Horatio F. Brown, Symonds"literary executor, and [of] my best of friends, Mr. A. T. Bartholomew." The aid of a literary executor is self-explanatory; the name of Augustus Theodore Bartholomew may need some elucidation which will explain the efficiency of Babington's final production. Bartholomew began work early in the century at Cambridge University Library under the eagle eyes of Charles Edward Sayle. At Sayle's death, recognitions were given and the usual obituary wreaths laid at his grave, but the greatest tribute to Sayle as a bibliographer came some time later when Dr. W. W. Greg chose to put him first in his list of acknowledgments in the fourth volume of his massive, authoritative Bibliography of the English Printed Dama to the Restoration. Praise from Dr. Greg is praise indeed and there is no doubt that Sayle's acumen was passed on to Bartholomew and from him to Symonds' bibliographer, Babington.

Additional Information

Courier, Fall 1970 p.22-27


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