
Darcy Cherlin

Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2014

Capstone Advisor

Robert A. Rubinstein, Professor of Anthropology and International Relations

Honors Reader

Sandra D. Lane, Professor of Public Health and Anthropology

Capstone Major


Capstone College

Arts and Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Social Sciences

Subject Categories

Anthropology | Biological and Physical Anthropology | Other Anthropology


From Sydney to Syracuse a Transcontinental Exploration of Women’s Health in Karen Refugee Communities. There are many impediments to refugee women’s access to health care and sexual and reproductive services in their countries of resettlement, including language difference, transportation, and absence of culturally appropriate support. Through focus groups and participatory observation this paper identifies some major challenges that Karen (an ethnic group from Burma) women face accessing health care in their respective cities of resettlement (Syracuse, New York or Sydney, Australia). It is through such documentation and analysis that policies and services can be improved and any harm they inadvertently produced can be alleviated.

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