Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2014

Capstone Advisor

Dr. Julie M Hasenwinkel

Honors Reader

Dr. Jeremy Gilbert

Capstone Major

Biomedical and Chemical Engineering

Capstone College

Engineering and Computer Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Sciences and Engineering

Subject Categories

Biological Engineering | Other Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering


Two-solution bone cements (TSBC) were developed to address the limitations of current powder-liquid bone cements, however are characterized by a limited shelf life due to spontaneous free radical polymerization. As a solution to pre-polymerization concerns, the initiator benzoyl peroxide (BPO) was removed from the cement solution and incorporated into a thin film coating within the static mixing nozzle, allowing the BPO to integrate with the TSBC as it is mixed for use. Only short-term storage of BPO-coated nozzles and the subsequent effects on bone cement properties is known. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of time, temperature and light exposure on the thermal characteristics and flexural mechanical properties of BPO-coated nozzle bone cements for a longer period of approximately twelve months. It was hypothesized that with increased time, temperature, and light exposure, the properties of cements made with BPO-coated nozzles would deteriorate. Results revealed a general reduction in thermal and mechanical properties of cements in comparison to standard TSBC and commercial cements. Nozzles stored beyond four months were found to be no longer viable. It was determined that storage time has an effect on cement properties, but effects of storage conditions on cement properties were inconclusive. High variability in test results, most likely due to the inconsistent thin film coating and unpredictable BPO release, indicated that significant improvements must be made to the nozzle coating method. Benzoyl peroxide coated nozzles have the potential to serve as improved alternatives to traditional bone cements, however further investigation into the preparation and shelf life of coated nozzles is required.

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