Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2006

Capstone Advisor

Robert Lloyd

Honors Reader

William Glavin

Capstone Major

Magazine, Newspaper, and Online Journalism

Capstone College

Public Communications

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Journalism Studies


The involvement of women in athletics has exploded over the last 10 years. This project capitalizes on this changing dynamic by creating a prototype of a women’s college sports magazine called Players. No such magazine currently exists in the United States, but I believe there is a market for it among teenage female athletes who are interested in women’s college sports. Without Players, females have only male-dominated publications like Sports Illustrated or ESPN for general sports coverage, or they can read more female-friendly publications such as Shape and Fitness, which cater to an active lifestyle but do not cover sports. Women’s basketball fans can read Women’s Basketball, but it is a fairly obscure magazine that is hard to find, and it does only a mediocre job of covering women’s basketball and nothing more. Players, however, gives young female athletes and sports fans exactly what they are looking for in a magazine: NCAA news, player profiles, workout tips, fashion advice and entertainment.

Going into this project, it was called to my attention that this generation seeks its news in short and simple messages. With that in mind, I kept the articles relatively brief and used many graphic elements and bold colors to keep my readers visually interested. I also focused--within the five broad categories mentioned previously--on topics that would grab readers’ attentions and hold them there, such as sports-themed films and issues of sexuality, for example.

The goal of this magazine is to level the playing field between men’s and women’s sports coverage. Fans of men’s sports have a seemingly endless supply of magazines to reference, while women’s sports fans have only one. And no magazine provides a steady, in-depth view of women’s NCAA sports. I believe, however, the time has come for fans of women’s sports to have an equal opportunity to read and learn about their favorite teams and athletes, hence the creation of Players

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