Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2011

Capstone Advisor

Professor Edward Russell

Honors Reader

Professor Kevin O’Neill

Capstone Major


Capstone College

Public Communications

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Advertising and Promotion Management


The advertising campaign that I created for the Renée Crown University Honors Program is intended to raise awareness for the program across Syracuse University’s campus. This campaign is also intended to alter the common stereotype of the program as “pretentious” and “overrated.” The ideas behind each of these advertisements and their intended meaning were adapted from research that I conducted in the fall of 2010 with current Renée Crown University Honors Program students and faculty. Though these advertisements will most likely not be used for the Renée Crown University Honors Program due to budget constraints it is possible that core concepts may be simplified and implemented for their advertising in the future. When first brainstorming about what this Capstone project would entail there were various essential components that were taken into consideration. Many of these components surrounded what creative elements would be used throughout this campaign. One of the core components I decided was necessary to include throughout my creative executions was to ensure that I utilized various media to help establish widespread awareness of the program. This was a very important element I kept in mind when creating these advertisements as I felt that medium diversity was essential to the success of this campaign. Without having a mix of social media, print, and ambient advertisements I feared that much of the student population would be overlooked and the campaign would not prove effective if actually put into production. Another important aspect that I made sure to include in my creative executions was straying from the straightforward, information-based style flyers and other advertisements that the Renée Crown University Honors Program traditionally uses to promote their program. Though it is important to inform students of the program I concluded that it would be more effective to reach them with a broader, more intriguing message that would in turn lure them to the program’s website and social media sites. If students are successfully drawn to the program’s social media sites and official website they will be able to read about any and all information of interest to them. After drafting creative executions I took my rough drafts to the Honors faculty where my ideas were discussed and reviewed through various meetings over the past six months. These meetings were used to ensure that the program’s core ideas were not being lost in my creativity. My interaction with the Renée Crown University Honors Program faculty throughout this process was also intended to imitate that of an advertising agency and client relationship. After meeting with Eric Holzwarth I felt invigorated and excited to continue with my creative process, moving my executions into more detailed sketches and eventually designing them graphically. Through faculty members feedback I was able to successfully convey my creativity while also working with them to make sure that their ideas remained instilled throughout the art direction. ! !

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



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