Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2012

Capstone Advisor

Kevin Lair

Honors Reader

Susan Henderson

Capstone Major


Capstone College


Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Architectural History and Criticism | Architecture | Urban, Community and Regional Planning


Industrial agricultural practice coupled with urban planning and infrastructural development over the past century has placed an unfair environmental burden on low income urban communities across the United States of America. As Majora Carter explains in her 2006 TED talk titled “Greening the Ghetto,” race and class correlate directly with the availability of parks, space and quality of public programming, as well as proximity to undesirable things such as highways, dumps, power plants, distribution centers etc. Furthermore, the development of said highways, distribution centers and the like has precipitated the exodus of economic opportunity including healthy food programming from the accessible urban realm marginalizing the low income communities at their core because of these boundaries and barriers to success. “Economic degradation begets environmental degradation which in turn begets social degradation,” (Carter) so it should be no surprise that the result is a continually deteriorating low income urban realm that is poverty stricken and crime ridden, with little educational or economic investment. All of these environmental burdens together promote the unhealthy diet and lifestyle that characterizes many low income low income urban communities which also contributes to the tax and healthcare burdens experienced by the middle and upper socioeconomic echelon.

Summary.docx (18 kB)

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