Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2018

Capstone Advisor

Harriet Brown

Honors Reader

Maria Russell

Capstone Major

Public Relations

Capstone College

Public Communications

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Communication | Critical and Cultural Studies | Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication | Public Relations and Advertising


My Capstone project analyzed Dove’s “Real Beauty” integrated communications campaign to determine whether it succeeded in its original goals and to see what it could demonstrate for the future of campaigns and branding. The campaign sought to make women feel comfortable in their own skin, and since 2004 it has launched dramatic billboards and short videos to get the attention of women of all ages and share empowering messages and images with them.

I created a survey that asked questions similar to what Dove originally asked women in 2004 when it began its campaign. My goal was to see what trends women picked up on the most from Dove’s campaign and the media landscape in general about women’s body image. The survey showed that the issues Dove sought to handle with its campaign were much more deeply ingrained in society, and it would take more than a campaign to be able to change them as much as it hoped. Overall, Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign showed the differences between advertising to different generations of women, and the way brands should address their campaign messages to them. Though the campaign sought to change an ideology held in society for decades, I discovered that it will take much more than clever messaging and images to make a long-term change in society.

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