Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2018

Capstone Advisor

Arthur Thomas

Honors Reader

Alexander Corsello

Capstone Major

Information Management and Technology

Capstone College

Information Studies

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Business | Community-Based Research


The project management field has an absence of a universally accepted set of attributes that relate to project success. The current methodology alone does not focus enough attention on developing skills to engage, adapt, and communicate effectively with a diverse group of stakeholders, including the project team and those affected or impacted by the project. The gap in cultural and interpersonal skills I have identified in the classroom and in textbooks motivated me to complete a research project that investigates the claims that I have outlined. The purpose of this research was to create a conceptual triangle that incorporates the three knowledge areas—hard skills, soft skills, and cultural knowledge— [Office3] and its sub-points that are critical for a project manager’s competency and their ability to lead a team to project success. The knowledge areas are representative of my research and the literature review resulted in questions and sub-questions to be used to explore throughout the project. The capstone project identifies how adequate project management literature and a university education equip potential project managers in the area of human and cultural skills. Through research, I have identified the distribution of hard skills, soft skills, and cultural knowledge courses at various colleges and disciplines at Syracuse University. The key lessons learned from this capstone project contribute to the overall body of knowledge in project management, as well as practice.

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