Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Professional Studies


The School of Information Science


John Jordan


Digital Inclusion;Ghana;Internet;Internet Backpack;Rural;Teacher Professional Development


This study investigated the interplay of digital capacity building (skills) and infrastructure (Internet access) in shaping teaching and learning practices in a rural community. Educators in rural areas, especially in developing nations, face difficulties in accessing digital resources and Internet connectivity, which hinder the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills into their teaching and learning practices. As an intervention to enhance the digital skills of rural teachers, an Internet Backpack was deployed as the sole Internet connectivity tool during targeted andragogical (an adult leaning framework) teacher professional development (TPD) workshops in Essuekyir, Ghana. The workshops aimed to improve the teachers’ pedagogical efficacy through Internet usage. An explanatory sequential mixed-methods approach was employed, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data, to provide comprehensive understanding of how rural teachers leverage the Internet for teaching and learning. The participants were teachers from public and private schools, ranging from kindergarten to junior high school. The research identified Internet usage as a pivotal variable, shedding light on the teaching and learning practices of rural teachers. The findings underscore the positive influence of targeted professional development, integrated with andragogical characteristics and social capital formation, on enhancing the digital capabilities of rural teachers. This enhancement is crucial for bridging digital divides and increasing educational outcomes in rural communities. The research offers valuable insights for educational policymakers and practitioners seeking effective strategies to empower teachers through digital capacity building. This study contributes significantly to ongoing discourses on digital empowerment in education, particularly in rural and underserved communities.


Open Access
