Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation


Beth Myers


developmental disability, inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE), intellectual disability, social interaction


This dissertation qualitatively studied the social interactions students with IDD had in Inclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) programs. Through a DSE lens, I analyzed the experiences of 15 current and former IPSE students to determine the phenomena of social interaction while at IPSE. Methods included focus groups, participant observations, and interviews with the participants. Adaptations of social circle diagrams and photovoice were also utilized. Findings illustrated the presence of ableism surrounding the lives of individuals with IDD. This ableism was apparent within many aspects of the participants lives and experiences during IPSE. Ableism across larger systems was impacting access to higher education spaces as well as social opportunities and personal relationships. Additionally, I discuss findings that implicate how to ensure future research with individuals with IDD is done inclusively and accessibly. Implications are given for higher education and k-12 policy and practice, as well as for research. Future directions for IPSE research are also discussed.


Open Access
