Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling and Human Services


Seward, Derek X.


Afro-Caribbean, College Students, Counseling, Counselor Education, Phenomenology, Women

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Caribbean Languages and Societies | Education | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Latin American Languages and Societies | Women's Studies


The purpose of this feminist phenomenological dissertation was to explore the self-identity experiences of Afro-Caribbean women undergraduate college students. In doing so, self-identity experiences, ethnic marginalization, and counseling experiences were explored for six participants. Data was collected and analyzed using Simone De Beauvoir's feminist framework of self-discovery/ rediscovery where two semi-structured interviews were conducted for each participant. This study resulted in six individual profiles illuminating the voices of each participant as well as collective themes. Findings from this study show that Afro-Caribbean women undergraduate college students filter their self-identity experiences through their ethnicity; meaning that participants understand other pieces of their self-identity (i.e., gender and race) and self-identity as a whole through their primary social location of ethnicity. Also, the findings represent that ethnic marginalization fueled participants' push back against stereotypical and colonial narratives about the Afro-Caribbean community and having an inadequate counseling experiences affects college social and academic success. Based on the findings of this data, implications center on multicultural and intersectional training of college counselors and counselor educators; as well as implications for Afro-Caribbean women undergraduate college students. Recommendations for future research also showcases the need for larger research sample sizes, including qualitative and quantitative studies about self-identity and related subjects (i.e., self-concept, self-esteem, and ethnic identity development).


Open Access
