Timing and extent of glaciation in the tropical Andes, Jacqueline Ann Smith
Paleoproterozoic of central Colorado: Island arcs or rifted older crust?, Barbara M. Hill
Quaternary geology and paleoclimate of Costa Rica: Evidence from glaciation, stable isotopes of surface waters, and a speleothem, Matthew Scott Lachniet
Deglaciation in the Central Andes of Peru, Bryan Greenwood Mark
Carbon dynamics, nutrient cycling, and the material properties of peat in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Northern Minnesota, Jennifer Susan Rivers
Neodymium isotopic and uranium-lead geochronologic studies of southern Appalachian terranes, Gregory L. Wortman
Numerical and multivariate statistical analysis of hydrogeology and geochemistry in large peatlands, Andrew Stephen Reeve
Petrology and geochemistry of the Ordovician Blountian and Taconic foreland basin sequences: Implications for terrane accretion history, Charles Brannon Andersen
The ecostratigraphic transition and selective extinction of bivalves across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Lombardian Alps, Italy, Christopher A. McRoberts
Late Pleistocene glacial history and magnetic chronostratigraphy, western Adirondack borderland, New York, Donald L. Pair
Sedimentary record of Devonian-Mississippian carbonate and black shale systems, southernmost Canadian Rockies and adjacent Montana: Facies and processes, Lauret Edith Savoy
Climatic and oceanographic controls on the Neogene sedimentary framework of the outer west Florida carbonate ramp, Anne Frances Gardulski
Deformation Of The Subsurface Silurian And Devonian Rocks Of The Southern Tier Of New York State, Katherine Jorgensen Beinkafner
The Surficial Geology of the Southeastern Segment of the Lake Ontario Plain, New York, Russell F. Kaiser