Carl Phillips, Raymond Carver Reading Series, October 25, 2017
Streaming Media
Document Type
creative writing
Arts and Humanities | Creative Writing
A video recording of Carl Phillips reading on October 25, 2017, as part of the Syracuse University Creative Writing Program's Raymond Carver Reading Series. Running time: 28:43.
Recommended Citation
Phillips, Carl, "Carl Phillips, Raymond Carver Reading Series, October 25, 2017" (2017). Raymond Carver Reading Series. 70.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Additional Information
The Creative Writing Program would like to thank the following people for their support for The Raymond Carver Reading Series: College of Arts and Sciences, the English Department, the Syracuse University Library Associates, Stephen King, the Dr. Scholl Foundation, the Lynn & David Pleet '53 Fund for Creative Writing, the Richard Elman Visiting Writer Fund, Chris Tennyson, Jerome Cohen and the Interdisciplinary Fund for the Humanities from Leonard and Elise Elman. We would also like to thank Syracuse University's Video Production Unit for videotaping the readings and SU’s Learning Environments for the sound production.