Volume 8-9 (1996-1997)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Beads Among the Juang of India
Alok Kumar Kanungo
Akyem Te: The Technology and Socio-Cultural Setting of the Abompe Bauxite-Beadmaking Industry, Ghana
Yaw Bredwa-Mensah
Imitation Pearls in France
Marie-José Opper and Howard Opper
A Hoard of Stone Beads near Lake Chad, Nigeria
Graham Connah
Beads, Pendants and Buttons from Early Historic Creek Contexts at the Tarver Sites, Georgia
Thomas J. Pluckhahn
End Matter

Officers for 1996
- President
- Mary Elizabeth Good
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Lester A. Ross
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
Editorial Advisory
- Roderick Sprague, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Norman F. Barka
- Alice Scherer
- Douglas D. Scott