Volume 26 (2014)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Historical Descriptions of Malay "Beadwork"
Hwei-Fe'n Cheah
Glass Beads from Jar Burials of the 15th-17th Centuries in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia
Alison Carter and Nancy Beavan
Shell and Glass Beads from the Tombs of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi, Lower Congo
Charlotte Verhaeghe, Bernard-Olivier Clist, and Chantal Fontaine
Archaeometrical Analysis of Glass Beads: Potential, Limitations, and Results
Adelphine Bonneau, Jean-François Moreau, and Ron G.V. Hancock
End Matter

Officers for 2014
- President:
- Stefany Tomalin
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Alice Scherer
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
Editorial Advisory
- Laurie Burgess, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Margret Carey
- Alice Scherer