Volume 20 (2008)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Heirloom Beads of the Kachin and Naga
Barbie Campbell Cole
Beads from the Great White Arabia - A Mid-19th-Century American Steamboat
Karlis Karklins and David Henneberg
Glass Beads from the Belbek IV Cemetery, Southwestern Crimea
Ekaterina Stolyarova
Red-on-White Drawn or Cornelian Beads: A 19th-Century Temporal Marker for the Plains
William T. Billeck
The Venetian Bead Story
Peter Francis Jr.
End Matter

Officers for 2008
- President:
- Bill Billeck
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Alice Scherer
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
Editorial Advisory
- Lester A. Ross, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Margret Carey
- Alice Scherer