Volume 19 (2007)
Full Issue
Front Matter
In Memoriam: Mary Elizabeth Good, 1930-2007
Marvin T. Smith
World War I Turkish Prisoner-of-War Beadwork
Jane A. Kimball
Eighteenth-Century Glass Beads from the English Slaving Fort at Bunce Island, Sierra Leone
Karlis Karklins
An Archaeological Approach to Understanding the Meaning of Beads Using the Example of Korean National Treasure 634, A Bead from a 5th/6th-Century Royal Silla Tomb
James W. Lankton and Marjorie Bernbaum
Western Indian (Mewar) Chalcolithic Beads with Special Reference to Balathal
Alok Kumar Kanungo, Virendra Nath Misra, and Vasant Shinde
Chemical Composition of Late 18th- and 19th-Century Glass Beads from Western North America: Clues to Sourcing Beads
Laurie E. Burgess and Laure Dussubieux
End Matter

Officers for 2007
- President
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Acting Secretary/Treasurer
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
- Newsletter Editor
- Michael A. Pfeiffer
Editorial Advisory
- Lester A. Ross, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Margret Carey
- Alice Scherer