Volume 16 (2004)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Precious Red Coral: Markets and Meanings
Susan J. Torntore
Bead Making at Murano and Venice
B. Harvey Carroll Jr. and Jamey D. Allen
The Levin Catalogue of Mid-19th-Century Beads
Karlis Karklins
Incised Dentalium Shell Beads in the Plateau Culture Area
Roderick Sprague
End Matter

Officers for 2004
- President
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Acting Secretary/Treasurer
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
- Newsletter Editor
- Michael A. Pfeiffer
Editorial Advisory
- Roderick Sprague, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Norman F. Barka
- Alice Scherer