Volume 12-13 (2000-2001)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Annamese Orders: Precious Metal, Tassels, and Beads
John Sylvester Jr.
Identifying Sources of Prehistoric Turquoise in North America: Problems and Implications for Interpreting Social Organization
Frances Joan Mathien
Man-in-the-Moon Beads
Michele Lorenzini and Karlis Karklins
The Stone Bead Industry of Southern India
Peter Francis Jr.
The Krobo and Bodom
Kirk Stanfield
End Matter

Officers for 2000
- President
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Lester A. Ross
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
- Newsletter Editor
- Michael A. Pfeiffer
Editorial Advisory
- Roderick Sprague, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Norman F. Barka
- Alice Scherer
- Douglas D. Scott