Volume 1 (1989)
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Front Matter
Diakhité: A Study of the Beads from an 18th-19th-Century Burial Site in Senegal, West Africa
Marie-José Opper and Howard Opper
Beads of the Early Islamic Period
Peter Francis Jr.
Beads as Chronological Indicators in West African Archaeology: A Reexamination
Christopher R. DeCorse
The Beads of St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
Karlis Karklins and Norman F. Barka
Bohemian Glass Beadmaking: Translation and Discussion of a 1913 German Technical Article
Lester A. Ross
End Matter

Officers for 1989
- President:
- Marvin T. Smith
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Lester A. Ross
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
Editorial Advisory
- Roderick Sprague, chair
- Lester A. Ross
- Marvin T. Smith
- Mary Elizabeth Good, chair
- Karlis Karklins
- Lyle M. Stone