Document Type

Thesis, Senior




Spring 2019


historic building, architectural typologies, Carnegie libraries, DOMA gallery, Hunsett Museum, Le Fresnoy National Studio for Contemporary Art






In direct opposition to whitewashing and absolute preservation, this project expos­es the darkening: an array of possible in­terventions upon a historic building that progressively enrich existing typological experiences to provide groundwork for ex­ploring, reconfiguring, and relearning from architectural typologies overlooked and under-investigated as a result of zeitgeist.

By way of selectively oversaturing spaces with the most fundamental building components of a historical build­ing, Topologies of Historic Typologies addresses how more thoughtful approaches to intervention can concurrently yield [figuratively] modern spaces and visual­ly-taught historic architecture.

Topologies of Historic Typologies considers old, antiquated constructs the foundation for purposeful intervention, capable of disrupting the barrier between the historic and the contemporary by transcending historic values into the present. Whereas postmodernism learns from historic buildings to create anew, this project actively it­erates upon historic buildings to expose what is worth learning. Topologies of Historic Typologies values the direct editing of old buildings with new forms to better analyze, understand, and potentially manipulate building typolo­gies and styles of the past.

The purpose of this project is to understand and uncover a building's most fundamental typological qualities, cri­tique historical buildings in a more investigative manner, and ultimately calculate a more valuable, progressive intervention to the historical that is able to enhance and enrich building systems.

Additional Information

Thesis Advisors:

Jean Francois Bedard

Junho Chun

Roger Hubeli


Local Input

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

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