Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)




Theodore L. Brown

Second Advisor

Jonathan Massey

Third Advisor

Nicole Robertson


classical, Greek, moldings, curves, profiles, digital

Subject Categories



This paper explores a way digital media can help re-instate traditional forms of architecture that seem to have lost their mythical-phenomenological connotations due to paradigm shifts, while developing new (digital) techniques to approach design. As a result of my interest in Classicism in conjunction with an enthusiasm about digital design, I thought of bringing together two ways of design that ostensibly occupy opposite ends of the architectural spectrum, but in effect are closer that meets the eye.

My proposal is the controlled transformation of classical elements like the Entablature using digital software like Rhinoceros and FormZ. As to the formal outcome, there are no preconceptions since this purely relies on performance. It may appear as an oxymoron to try and "blobify" Classicism. I trust nevertheless, that there is much to be gained from this "cross-stylistic immersion," depending on the correct use of rhetoric. Antinomial thinking posits contrasting pairs to extract only one true part, while Dialogic thinking accepts the complimentary nature of things. This is eventually my pledge, to cultivate a co-existence between Classical and Organicist ideas, selectively merge these and examine where this may lead.


Open Access

Included in

Architecture Commons
