Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Tanya Eckert


behavior intervention plan;functional behavior assessments;intervention acceptability

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) are assessment and intervention procedures that are used to address maladaptive behaviors among school children and youth. Kazdin (1977) defined intervention acceptability as the subjective evaluation and judgment of intervention success, which can impact intervention development, effectiveness, and usage. Given the limited research in the field, the purpose of this systematic review was to explore the extent to which acceptability assessments have been conducted regarding FBAs and BIPs and how this information may be used to inform intervention development or modification. PsycINFO and ERIC(EBSCO) database searches identified 11 studies, including a total of 46 participants, for review. These studies satisfied inclusion criteria that required them to be written in English, published between 1994 and 2022, and include an FBA or a BIP, with an associated acceptability assessment. Acceptability assessments needed to have been conducted with school professionals in school settings and studies could not have been systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or case studies. The results indicated that most studies utilized a single-case experimental design with participants of all grade levels. Participants ranged in their racial and ethnic backgrounds, and most participants were male and students with disabilities. Acceptability assessments were overwhelmingly completed by teachers following intervention implementation. No studies reported whether acceptability assessments were used to justify revising or removing information gathered during an FBA or BIP. Limitations related to the use of search terms, databases, publication bias, and coding procedures are offered for consideration. Keywords: functional behavior assessments, behavior intervention plan, intervention acceptability


Open Access

Included in

Psychology Commons



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