
Tasya Pane

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Indonesia is one of the global market's largest producers and exporters of cloves (Syzygium aromaticum). Analyzing the export trends and competitiveness of Indonesia’s cloves in the global market is crucial for addressing challenges and seizing opportunities in international trade. This study was conducted to analyze the export trends of Indonesia’s cloves in the global market, forecast their supply over the next 20 years with the Least Squares Method, and analyze the competitiveness of Indonesia’s cloves in the global market with the Export Product Dynamics (EPD) Approach. The results of the analyses showed that Indonesia's clove exports have a quadratic trendline, indicating that the value and volume of Indonesia's clove exports in the global market initially declined. However, this decline gradually lessened over time. After reaching its lowest point, the growth has increased annually, and it is forecasted to keep rising. The competitiveness of Indonesia's clove exports from 2017 to 2021 was in the rising star quadrant. The change in position every five years indicates the difficulty of maintaining a strong and stable position in the international market, thus requiring comprehensive policies.



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