Date of Award

Spring 5-23-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Rolling, James H.

Second Advisor

Buchanan, Yvonne E.


Active Imagination, art, collage, Jung, psychology, storytelling

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


The objective of this thesis paper is to highlight my artistic process, current projects, and research strategies emerging from my studio practice. First, this thesis describes and elaborates my practice of "reconstruction," the reasons I find it effective, and the personal history behind it. I also discuss the goals of my work and how I intend to carry it forward into the future. Throughout my work I seek to tell a story that resonates with my personal history, communicating to audiences both the vulnerabilities and transitions of life experience. My work invites the viewer into a collective space where the larger narratives about our human experience are shared. I excavate story through parallel tracks of written and visual responses exposing the vulnerabilities of truth-telling. From the rending and fragmentation of surface contexts, I construct wholeness. The intersection of fracture and collision creates relevant moments of access for each viewer. The results provide a kaleidoscopic lens through which my own anecdotal and contemplative moments become a means for reconnecting the audience to their own stories and images.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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