Volume 1, Issue 2 (1980) Syracuse Scholar Fall 1980
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Paul Archambault
Philosophy and the Future of Fiction
William Gass
The Myth of the Black Death
Paul Theiner
An Hour of Last Things: An Interview with George P. Elliott
George P. Elliott and Paul Archambault
Technological Utopianism and the Future of Religion
Gabriel Vahanian
Bronze in Negative Space
Rodger Mack and Paul Archambault
Arts in Review: Revivals of Cavalli and Soler in the Syracuse University School of Music
George Nugent
Social and Ethical Criticism: A Contextualist Overview
Eugene Paul Nassar
The Couple Moving Out
Robert Lietz
The Four Seasons
W. D. Snodgrass
Notes on Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons": Words and Music
W. D. Snodgrass
Back Matter