The Conditional Mode Estimator of Technical Efficiency: Theory and Application to NYC Public Schools
Date of Award
Spring 5-23-2021
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Horrace, William C.
Second Advisor
Li, Wei
Subject Categories
Economics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
This dissertation studies the properties of the conditional mode estimator of stochastic frontier models and applies it to measure technical inefficiency. It consists of two chapters. The first chapter analyzes the conditional mode estimator's closed-form expressions, convergence, near-minimax optimality when interpreted using Lasso, and selection rules. The second chapter applies the true fixed effect stochastic frontier model (Greene, 2005a,b) to analyze the persistent and transient technical inefficiencies of 425 NYC public middle schools for cohorts of students that graduated between 2014 to 2016.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Yang, Yi, "The Conditional Mode Estimator of Technical Efficiency: Theory and Application to NYC Public Schools" (2021). Dissertations - ALL. 1435.