Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Studio Arts


Ann Clarke


Feminism;Femme Identity;Misogyny;Patriarchy;Violence;Visual Art

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


Individual identity formation is a crucial tool in my artistic practice. I rely on articulating my experiences as femme to reclaim and denounce the signifiers of femininity invented and perverted by patriarchy. Using historical survey of instances and explorations of fear and violence through art and visual culture, my works reckon with how archaic gender beliefs still entrench themselves in our contemporary worldviews and their psychological results. The deconstructions of these facades uncover the violence and fear ingrained in feminine identity inflicted through bodily control in culture. Here I argue for her humanity against the abject violence culture and media perpetuate toward her body.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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