Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Geography & the Environment


Jonnell Robinson


abortion;anti-abortion movement;crisis pregnancy centers;digital geographies;feminist cartography;reproductive justice

Subject Categories

Geography | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Anti-abortion groups have opened thousands of ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ (CPCs) across the country that deceive pregnant people in order to discourage or outright prevent them from accessing abortion. Amidst tightening state restrictions, those seeking abortion are increasingly looking online for legal guidance, resources, and care itself. Activists and scholars have celebrated the possibility that the Internet might promise enduring access to abortion care through online pill provision. However, the two papers presented here provide evidence that CPCs are also increasingly adopting a new arsenal of digital strategies to identify and reach those they label “the abortion-determined,” interrupting new geographies of care. Through covert event ethnography conducted at an anti-abortion conference and analysis of the representation of CPC business listings on Google Maps, this work provides insight into the deceptive, digital tactics the anti-abortion movement is deploying in the post-Dobbs era. At a moment when the Internet is heralded as a space where access to abortion might be sustained, these papers suggest an urgent need to expose the emerging digital geographies and strategies of anti-abortion groups.


Open Access

Available for download on Sunday, June 21, 2026

Included in

Geography Commons
