Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Arts Therapy


Jennifer DeLucia


Ableism;Art Therapy;Cripistemology;Cripping;Disability Justice

Subject Categories

Disability Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences


This paper explores how the lived experiences of disabled art therapists can inform, through a qualitative and arts-based research approach, a theory and possible applications for improving accessibility within the field of art therapy for both disabled persons seeking intervention and for disabled professionals working in the field. The student researcher collected data through interviews with three self-identifying disabled art therapists or art therapists in training. The interviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed to develop a definition of accessibility, along with a grounded theory on how accessibility can be improved within the field of art therapy. The study explored possible approaches in practice for working with disabled persons, as well as possible interventions to challenge ableism for disabled art therapists within professional settings. Art therapists can use the definitions and approaches presented here as a way to enhance their cultural humility and practice in working with disabled bodyminds.


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