
Gabriel Vahanian

Document Type





New Testament Studies, Rudolph Bultmann Papers, Syracuse University Library, Karl Barth, manuscripts, christology




Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The most distinguished Visiting Professor Syracuse University has had through its Department of Religion (1958-59), Rudolf Bultmann, born in 1884, still dominates the field of New Testament Studies. The University can take exceptional pride in having conferred upon him an honorary doctorate. In addition, the University Library is now the richer for being the recipient of a vast collection of materials originating from Professor Bultmann's eminent public career as well as from his personal life. The correspondence henceforth treasured by the Manuscripts Department of Syracuse University Library contains letters to and from the young promising theologians of the sixties as well as one, among others, from the already world-famous theologian physician, Albert Schweitzer, in which he explains his decision to turn down a chair at the University of Leipzig in order to practice medicine in Africa.

The Rudolf Bultmann Papers include not only manuscripts of his own works but also notebooks dating from student days when he was attending the lectures of famous theologians of that time, such as Harnack and Julicher. There is no doubt that with such an extraordinary collection the Library will play a significant role in furthering scholarship; Rudolf Bultmann, indeed, belongs to the future.

Additional Information

Part of a double issue, 9.4 and 10.1.


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