Reframing Housing: Incorporating Public Law Principles Into Private Law, Kristen Barnes
The Pieces of Housing Integration, Kristen Barnes
My Grandmother Was Mrs. Palsgraf: Ways to Rethink Legal Education to Help Students Become Lawyers, Rather Than Just Thinking Like Them, Ian Gallacher
How Civility Works, Keith Bybee
"No Country for Old Men": Junior Associates and the Real-World Practice of Law, Ian Gallacher
Enigma: A Variation on the Theme of Legal Writing’s Place in Contemporary Legal Education, Ian Gallacher
Erasing Boundaries: Inter-School Collaboration and its Pedagogical Opportunities, Ian Gallacher
Lights! Camera! Law School?: Using Video Interviews to Enhance First Semester Writing Assignments, Ian Gallacher
"When Numbers Get Serious:" A Study of Plain English Usage in Briefs Filed Before the New York Court of Appeals, Ian Gallacher
Reisurance: The Silent Regulator?, Aviva Abramovsky
"Systemic Poverty as a Cause of Recessions", Robert Ashford
The Sixth Amendment's Textual Core, Sanjay K. Chhablani
The Limits of WTO Adjudication: Is Compliance the Problem?, Juscelino F. Colares
The Reality of EU-Conformity Review in France, Juscelino F. Colares
Contract Law's Inefficiency, David M. Driesen
Discretionary Persistent Felony Offender Sentencing In New York: Can it survive Apprendi ?, Joseph E. Fahey
Short of the Goal: New York's Legislation to Compel HIV Testing from Accused Sex Offenders, Joseph E. Fahey
Throwing Away The Key: An Examination of New York's Sex Offender Civil Commitment Law, Joseph E. Fahey
Do Robomemos Dream of Electric Nouns?: A Search for the Soul of Legal Writing, Ian Gallacher
Talking in the Dark: Using Technology for Basic Academic Support, Ian Gallacher
The Count's Dilemma, or, Harmony and Dissonance in Legal Language, Ian Gallacher
Thinking Like Non-Lawyers: Why Empathy is a Core Lawyering Skill and Why Legal Education Should Change to Reflect its Importance, Ian Gallacher
The Unintended Consequences of Stanford v. Roche, Ted Hagelin
Rethinking Children as Property, Kevin Noble Maillard
Slaves in the Family: Testamentary Freedom and Interracial Deviance, Kevin Noble Maillard
The Color of Testamentary Freedom, Kevin Noble Maillard
Political Advertisements in the Era of Fleeting Indecent Images and Utterances, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff
Technical Standards for Admission to Medical Schools: Deaf Candidates Don't Get No Respect, Michael A. Schwartz
How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count the Days: Deathbed Marriages in America, Terry L. Turnipseed
The President and the Autopen: It Is Unconstitutional for Someone or Something to Sign a Bill Outside of the President's Presence, Terry L. Turnipseed
Whose Rules Rule? Federal Circuit Review of Divergent USPTO and District Court Decisions, Lisa Dolak
Binary Economics - An Overview, Robert Ashford
Eliminating the Underlying Cause of Poverty as a Means to Global Economic Recovery, Robert Ashford
All Judges Are Political—Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law, Keith J. Bybee
Efficient, Fair, and Incomprehensible: How the State 'Sells' Its Judiciary, Keith J. Bybee and Heather Pincock
Lawyers Acting Badly, or Not? Misconduct in IP Litigation: Recent Examples and the Questions They Raise, Lisa Dolak
Two Cheers for Feasible Regulation: A Modest Response to Masur and Posnera, David M. Driesen
Trusts Versus Corporations: An Empirical Analysis of Competing Organizational Forms, A. Joseph Warburton
Broadening the Right to Acquire Capital with the Earnings of Capital: The Missing Link to Sustainable Economic Recovery and Growth, Robert Ashford
The Rule of Law is Dead! Long Live the Rule of Law!, Keith J. Bybee
An Environmental Competition Statute, David M. Driesen
Alternatives to Regulation?: Market Mechanisms and the Environment, David M. Driesen
Capping Carbon, David M. Driesen
Linkage and Multilevel Governance, David M. Driesen
Neoliberal Instrument Choice, David M. Driesen
Toward a Duty-Based Theory of Executive Power, David M. Driesen
Toward Sustainable Technology, David M. Driesen
The Missing Instrument: Dirty Input Limits, David M. Driesen and Amy Sinden
Binary Economics and the Case for Broader Ownership, Robert Ashford
Managing Radical Disputes: Public Reason, the American Dream, and the Case of Same-Sex Marriage, Keith J. Bybee and Cyril Ghosh
Firing U.S. Attorneys: An Essay, David M. Driesen
Sustainable Development and Air Quality: The Need to Replace Basic Technologies with Cleaner Alternatives, David M. Driesen
Amicus Brief of Economists Ackerman et al. in Entergy v. Riverkeepers, Douglas A. Kysar and David M. Driesen
The Multiracial Epiphany, Kevin Noble Maillard
The Anatomy of Grey: A Theory of Interracial Convergence, Kevin Noble Maillard and Janis L. mcDonald
Binary Economics: The Economic Theory that Gave Rise to ESOPs, Robert Ashford
Socio-Economics - An Overview, Robert Ashford
An Economic Dynamic Approach to the Infrastructure Commons, David M. Driesen
Renewable Energy under the Kyoto Protocol: The Case for Mixing Instruments, David M. Driesen
Sustainable Development and Market Liberalism's Shotgun Wedding: Emissions Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol, David M. Driesen
Sustainable Development and Market Liberalism's Shotgun Wedding: Emissions Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol, David M. Driesen
The Changing Climate for United States Law, David M. Driesen
'Aux Armes, Citoyens!:' Time for Law Schools to Lead the Movement for Free and Open Access to the Law, Ian Gallacher
Conducting The Constitution: Justice Scalia, Textualism, And The Eroica Symphony, Ian Gallacher
Mapping the Social Life of the Law: An Alternative Approach to Legal Research, Ian Gallacher
"Who Are Those Guys?:" The Results of a Survey Studying the Information Literacy of Incoming Law Students, Ian Gallacher
To Err is Human: ART Mix-Ups - A Labor-Based, Relational Proposal, Leslie Bender
Is Cost-Benefit Analysis Neutral?, David M. Driesen
Links Between European Emissions Trading and CDM Credits for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects, David M. Driesen
Regulatory Reform: The New Lochnerism?, David M. Driesen
“Forty-Two:” A Hitchhikers Guide To Teaching Legal Research To The Google Generation, Ian Gallacher
The Beggar's Opera and its Criminal Law Context, Ian Gallacher
Why Shouldn't I be Allowed to Leave My Property to Whomever I Choose at My Death? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the French), Terry L. Turnipseed
Capital Democratization, Robert Ashford
Memo on Binary Economics to Attorneys for Women and People of Color Re: What Else Can Public Corporations Do for Your Clients?, Robert Ashford
Good Manners, Gay Rights and the Law, Keith J. Bybee
Legal Realism, Common Courtesy, and Hypocrisy, Keith J. Bybee
Design, Trading, and Innovation, David M. Driesen
The Functions of Transaction Costs: Rethinking Transaction Cost Minimization in a World of Friction, David M. Driesen and Shubha Ghosh
Distributing the Costs of Environmental, Health, and Safety Protection: The Feasibility Principle, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Regulatory Reform, David M. Driesen
Genes, Parents and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Mistakes, Race, Sex, and Law, Leslie Bender
Design, Trading, and Innovation, David M. Driesen
Distributing the Costs of Environmental, Health, and Safety Protection: The Feasability Principle, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Regulatory Reform, David M. Driesen
Does Emissions Trading Encourage Innovation?, David M. Driesen
Standing for Nothing: The Paradox of Demanding Concrete Context for Formalist Adjudication, David M. Driesen
What's Property Got to Do With It?, David M. Driesen
The Functions of Transaction Costs: Rethinking Transaction Cost Minimization in a World of Friction, David M. Driesen and Shubha Ghosh
Loose Canons: Statutory Construction and the New Nondelegation Doctrine, David M. Driesen
Learning More than Law from Maryland Decisions, Ian Gallacher
Getting Our Priorities Straight: One Strand of the Regulatory Reform Debate, David M. Driesen
What is Free Trade? The Real Issue Lurking Behind the Trade and Environment Debate, David M. Driesen
Choosing Environmental Instruments in a Transnational Context, David M. Driesen
Free Lunch or Cheap Fix?: The Emissions Trading Idea and the Climate Change Convention, David M. Driesen