Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Zhao Qin

Subject Categories

Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


The construction industry faces significant challenges due to the environmental impact of traditional materials like steel and concrete, whose production is energy-intensive and contributes to environmental pollution. This issue is exacerbated by the growing global demand for construction materials, driven by an increasing population. Concurrently, the agricultural and wood industrial sectors produce vast byproducts, such as straw, husk, coir, sawdust, and wood chips. They are often considered as wastes and disposed of through methods like burning. Such a reckless treatment releases greenhouse gases that further lead to environmental degradation. Mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi, presents a natural, promising solution to treat these wastes due to its energy-efficient growth, minimal byproduct generation, and broad application range. Integrating mycelium with organic substrates such as agricultural waste makes it possible to create lightweight and biodegradable materials. These mycelium-based composites offer numerous advantages, including sustainability, non-toxicity, and the ability to be composted at the end of their lifecycle, thus contributing to a circular economy. This dissertation explores the potential of mycelium-based bio-composite materials for future development into a class of promising insulation materials. Central to the dissertation is integrating mycelium with organic substrates, such as agricultural waste, to create bio-composites with multifunctional features (e.g., mechanical solidity and thermal insulation) obtained through lab treatments after growth. This approach presents a method to repurpose agrarian byproducts and reduce waste. The study meticulously examines the applicability of these bio-composites in the inner layer of the structure (insulation layer), assessing their potential use in various contexts. The dissertation is structured to methodically address these research goals, starting with a comprehensive literature review of mycelium and its potential applications. Subsequent chapters detail experimental investigations into mycelium-based materials' physical and mechanical properties, exploring species selection, substrate composition, and environmental conditions that influence mycelium growth and material performance. The study emphasizes the importance of continued research and development in this area while acknowledging the current limitations in strength, stiffness, hardness, flexibility, toughness, and durability compared to conventional construction materials. This dissertation contributes to the field of insulation materials by studying mycelium-based bio-composites. It highlights the potential of these materials to address some environmental challenges and offer a viable path toward more sustainable practices in the long term. The findings underscore the need for ongoing exploration and innovation in material science to meet the demands of a growing population while preserving environmental integrity.


Open Access
