Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Can Isik

Second Advisor

Tomislav Bujanovic


Ensemble Method;Fault Location;Traveling Waves;Wavelet Applications


Fault location plays a vital role in the operation of power systems. It is the key to fast clearance of the faults and minimizing the duration and costs of power outages. Power networks manifest a complex behavior due to their intricate topological connections, phase asymmetry, and time-varying loads. Traveling Wave (TW) analysis provides an accurate estimate of fault location on the power system transmission lines. In this project, we explore the main concepts and steps of implementing traveling waves for fault location and different methodologies for extracting and analyzing the traveling waves using different wavelets. Then, we present an ensemble approach for robust detection of the Time of Arrival for traveling waves using a large group of wavelet types. The implemented approach is tested on real-world measurement data from a transmission-level substation. The robustness of the method is tested in different noise scenarios. The results show significantly accurate and robust performance of the developed scheme for determining fault location.


Open Access
