
Alberto Antonio Tuy Pezzotti

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Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder that leads to inflammation and damage of the small intestine after consumption of gluten. Around 1% of the global population is affected by CD. Consumption of 10 to 50 mg of gluten triggers the body to develop symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, abdominal distention, and even nutrient absorption deficiency from villi damage. A gluten-free diet is the ideal treatment for this disease. Manufacturers in the food industry have the task of assessing food product development to fulfill the nutritional needs of celiac people by providing gluten-free products that are good quality and can be acquired at an affordable price. A gluten-free snack was developed using unripped plantain flour. The bromatology analysis showed a low protein content (2.70%) compared to the gluten-containing snack (6.54%). Good protein sources, such as soy, can be used to increase protein content within these products. For future tasks, sensory analysis can be assessed to determine the product's sensory characteristics, make comparisons with the gluten-containing snack, and the level of acceptance by celiac people. Keywords: celiac disease, villi, gluten-free, green plantain flour



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