
This annual symposium provides participants with the opportunity to engage in a broad array of reflective discussions about the representations of disability that exist “beneath the surface” and explicitly within mainstream popular cultures both nationally and internationally, particularly the popular culture phenomena that are comic books, graphic novels, and manga. Proceedings of this symposium will be published via BtS.

Planning has already begun for Cripcon 2014! We will post updates when available to this website, via or on our Facebook page

We want to thank the sponsors of this symposium including the SU Disability Cultural Center, the Center on Human Policy, Disability Student Union (DSU), the Beyond Compliance Coordinating Committee (BCCC), Disability Studies at Syracuse University, the Slutzker Center for International Services (SCIS), and the School of Education Technology Support Group.

Browse the contents of Beneath the SUrface:

Cripping the Comic Con 2013