Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2007

Capstone Advisor

Karin Ruhlandt-Senge

Honors Reader

Michael Sponsler

Capstone Major


Capstone College

Arts and Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Sciences and Engineering

Subject Categories

Chemistry | Organic Chemistry


Metal organic chemical vapor deposition is a process used in the production of thin, crystalline films. The method involves the transportation of volatile, organometallic precursors to a heated substrate, where it undergoes chemical reactions to produce a thin, metallic layer on the substrate surface. Strontium and barium films of this nature are used as components in semi-conductor device fabrication, including among other things, the cell capacitors in Dynamic Random Access Memory computer chips. Additionally, organoalkaline-earth metal compounds are also desired for their potential to serve as polymerization initiators and reagents to modify polymers. Organocalcium derivatives are currently being explored as polymerization initiators for biodegradable polymers that have applications as re-absorbable sutures and in bone scaffolding. Further progress in this area of chemistry depends on facile, reproducible synthetic routes toward the target compounds. We here explore synthetic routes toward the unknown alkyl substituted alkaline-earth metal amides and a novel synthetic route toward aryl substituted alkaline-earth metal amides, previously prepared in the Ruhlandt-Senge research group. Additional work was done toward the elusive primary alkaline-earth metal amides via –SiMe3 abstraction. Synthetic routes to be explored include transamination, salt metathesis, toluene elimination, and redox transmetallation/ligand exchange. Triphenlybismuth, recovered unaltered from redox transmetallation/ligand exchange in novel space group modifications was analyzed via single crystal x-ray diffraction and temperature dependent powder diffraction.

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