
Los intertextos en el "Dialogo intitulado el Capon" y el discurso del engano

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics


Harold Jones


Spanish text, Spanish literature, Narvaez de Velilla, Romance literature, Clergy

Subject Categories

Spanish Literature


In this work we have studied some types of intertexts that are given in the Dialogo intitulado el Capon: the picaresque text, the dramatic and the satirical menippean texts.

Through them, we have perceived not only the generic hybridism of the work, but we have also analyzed the transformations produced with respect to the previous texts that Narvaez de Velilla has employed in order to compose it. The emphasis has been put, above all, on the changes produced in the picaresque, where it is clearly observed the metamorphosis of the hypotexts in the hypertext.

At the same time, we have centered our interest in a general motive, that it is given in a different manner in each one of the intertexts and as a common denominator that occupies all the work: the discourse of the deceit. We have procured to analyze from different approaches (point of view, system of characters, different narrative styles, narrative levels, etc.) in what form the longest chain of lies constitutes our Dialogue until it reaches the biggest farce of the same: the capons as satyrical characters.

We have tried to back up our work in the most recent theories of intertextuality (Julia Kristeva, Mikail Backtin, Roland Barthes, Jonathan Culler, Laurent Jenny, and others), as also in some semiotics criteria of Jurii Lotman and Boris Uspensky.


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